Describe briefly about Business Activity Monitoring or BAM and the features of it?

Answer Posted / jafar ali

The automated monitoring of business process activity affecting an enterprise is Business Activity Monitoring or BAM, which is generally implemented as a module of ERP, BI, EAI or BPM products. BAM create a system that allows monitoring and responding to its key performance indicators or KPI’s .
Features of BAM :
1. BAM is not just about technology, but about recognizing a business KPI’s and enables a
company to respond faster to new opportunities and threats through monitoring them.
2. BAM provides Real-Time, Graphical Key Performance Indicators & Analysis
3. BAM uses closed-loop visibility to control and manage ongoing business operations.
4. BAM will enable you to respond quickly to change based on business events as they occur.
5. BAM enables analysis to determine which processes are creating bottlenecks or which
customer is most profitable.
Prevention of overload information

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