Have you ever linked SAS code, If so, describe the link and
any required statements used to either process the code or
the step itself?
Answer Posted / prakhar
SAS code could be linked using the GOTO or the Link statement.
The difference between the LINK statement and the GO TO statement is in the action of a subsequent RETURN statement. A RETURN statement after a LINK statement returns execution to the statement that follows LINK. A RETURN statement after a GO TO statement returns execution to the beginning of the DATA step, unless a LINK statement precedes GO TO, in which case execution continues with the first statement after LINK. In addition, a LINK statement is usually used with an explicit RETURN statement, whereas a GO TO statement is often used without a RETURN statement.
When your program executes a group of statements at several points in the program, using the LINK statement simplifies coding and makes program logic easier to follow. If your program executes a group of statements at only one point in the program, using DO-group logic rather than LINK-RETURN logic is simpler.
Goto eg.
data info;
input x;
if 1<=x<=5 then go to add;
put x=;
add: sumx+x;
Link Eg.
data hydro;
input type $ depth station $;
/* link to label calcu: */
if type =’aluv’ then link calcu;
/* return to top of step */
calcu: if station=’site_1′
then elevatn=6650-depth;
else if station=’site_2′
then elevatn=5500-depth;
/* return to date=today(); */
aluv 523 site_1
uppa 234 site_2
aluv 666 site_2
…more data lines…
GOTO – http://support.sas.com/onlinedoc/913/getDoc/en/lrdict.hlp/a000201949.htm
LINK – http://support.sas.com/onlinedoc/913/getDoc/en/lrdict.hlp/a000201972.htm
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