i am raj i have attended lot of interviews but i could not
get job. the interviwer asking me some real time scanrions
please tell me any one .
1. expalin u have created any customize cube?
2. what is ur exp in bex and wad?
3. howmany reports u have created? give one scenario abour
calculated key figure and formula?
4. tell me some recently what u have done tickets give me 2
tickets explain briefly?
5.what they (off shore team) have done ?

Answer Posted / harinath

1. Data coming from multiple tables then we have created customized cube as per requirements.
2. I worked in all Bex query designer functionalities like exceptions, conditions, CKF, RKF, Variables, filters, Conditions etc.
3: 25 - 30
4. like process chain fails, data load fails etc.
5. based on onsite counterparts mails we will do some development activities. and monitoring the process chains.

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