Any one can help me abot any tickets in suport project in
GL, AR, AP Please send me any issues on that with answer
Answer Posted / prasannakumar
If you want tickets than you well contact me by
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What is a purchase order (po)? : fi- accounts payable
What is in the general ledger?
What are recurring entries and why are they used?
What are the steps for creation of New Movement types and specific requirements for GL and codes from a unique company code?
What are the two options for entering plan data? : co- cost center accounting
Define the term "field status varient"?
Why do we perform cost center planning? : cost center accounting
How do you post cross-company code business area postings?
Explain invoice verification (iv) in sap. : fi- accounts payable
What is a posting period variant ?
what is validation &substution
What is a fiscal year variant ?
Can anyone give me real-time coaching in sap fi/co i am residing in marathalli Bangalore.........
What is an internal calculation key? : fi- asset accounting
Generally what order will be followed in implementation of sap modules?