A flatfile contains 200 records.I want to load first 50
records at first time running the job,second 50 records at
second time running and so on,how u can develop the job?pls
give the steps?pls pls

Answer Posted / msk22

Follow the steps:
1: import source definition(relational or flat file)
2: create mapping parameter $$m_count with datatype double
3: create expression transformation map all the output ports of source qualifier to expression.
4: create a variable port v_cnt and in expression write v_cnt+1
5: create an output port o_cnt and assign v_cnt to it.
6: take filter transformation, map all the output ports to filter and in filter condition write o_cnt<$$m_count and o_cnt>$$m_count-50
7: map all the output ports to target and save the mapping.
8: create a workflow for the mapping and then create a workflow variable $$wf_count with double datatype and enable persistent option.
9: create an assignment task and in the expression tab for user-defined variable choose $$wf_count and for expression write $$wf_count+50.
ex: $$wf_count=$$wf_count+50
10: now create the session for the mapping and go to session properties then select components tab, go to pre-session variable assignment column then open value and then there select mapping variable $$m_count and parent workflow variable $$wf_count
ex: $$m_count=$$wf_count.
11: save the workflow and execute.
That's it.......

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