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does the Tcode EWZ5 exist in ECC6?I'm using NW2004S SR2 abap engine and EWZ5 doesn't exist in in that case what is the alternative to EWZ5?to see the list of users present in a client but not necessarily logged in and to to lock or unlock them? Thanks.
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If I want only transaction data to be copied.What profile should I select, while doing local client copy within the same apllication server. Else is there any other way to perform above task?
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What are the regular activities u do in solution manager and how
At os level how you can change the number of work process? How you can analyze the status of work process at os level?
I am attempting to complete a system copy of bw. When I try to go in to rsa1 afterwards I get the error message, "entry in inbound table already exists." What should I do to solve the problem?
Why we execute SGEN, which Tables it modifies,will it cause DB growth? is it possible to execute SGEN later on after Golive?
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How database extend?
Explain logon groups?