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What is business kpis ?
Hi,My name is Saurabh I have done BMS & currently working in Wipro BPO (1 year). I want to pursue my career in SAP. As I am totally new in the IT field(no course & no experience) Please could you suggest whether to do a certification from Certified institutes or Non Certified institutes.What is the difference? Also, Is MBA necessary to do certification from Certified institutes?
Which table contains the details related to Q defined in SPAM? Is there a way to revert back the Q defined? If yes, How?
How you can apply sap notes to sap system?
What are steps for DB Refresh?
What is upgrade process? And how u will do that?
Can you tell me installation procedure of SAP on UNIX
Suppose you have to integrate sap ecc 6.0 to aws cloud. How can you achieve this?
What are the Pre- requisite for system copy?
What is transport layer and domain controller? In which system you have create domain control?
What are the categories to execute sap background jobs?
How do you distribute the load?
How will u send mail after completion of backup?
How you will rate yourself in SAP, Oracle from a scale 1 - 10?
what are the current support stack levels at market place?