What is the Difference between display attributes and
navigational attributes?
Answer Posted / shakthi
As we all know drill down in report is possible if the characteristic is navigational attribute and is not if it is display attribute.Now we will see this with some example data.
Lets consider we have objects Customer, country and sales amount. we have the below data.
Customer country Sales amount
Cust1 India 200
Cust2 India 300
Cust3 USA 500
Cust4 USA 400
Cust5 UK 600
Cust6 USA 100
Navigational Attribute:
Assume that Country is as navigation attribute to master data Customer. If we want to have an analysis about the sales based on country. Since 'Country' is navigational attribute we have an independent drill down of Country with out the support of Customer in report .
country Sales amount
India 500
USA 1000
UK 600
here country is an attribute of customer, as we made this as navigational attribute, it can be standalone in report with out customer.
Display Attribute:
We cannot go for individual drill down to country with out customer, i.e if we want country in our report then we have to drill down customer along with country. Report output will be as below.
Customer country Sales amount
Cust1 India 200
Cust2 India 300
Cust3 USA 500
Cust4 USA 400
Cust5 UK 600
Cust6 USA 100
Just observe the report in our first case is having only three records with aggregated value based on country but in the second we have 6 records.
Hope we get clear idea about display and navigational attributes.
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