Explain the different levels of Inventory org structure ?
What is Operating Unit ?
What is Legal Entity ?
What is Inventory Organization ?
What is Set Of Books ?
In which setup you control the costing method ?
What is Item master organization ?
How many item master organization we can setup ?
What is Subinventory ?
What is Locator ?
Are Subinventory or Locators mandatory ?
Can you copy inventory org structure ?
What is shipping network ?
Explain UOM and UOM class ?
Explain Item status controls ?
How many Item attributes we can setup ?
How you can provide custom item attributes ?
What are status attributes ?
Explain the functionality of Item templates ?
How Item types are defined ?
Explain the use of cross-references ?
Explain Item categories ?
What is the difference between category and category set ?
How do you assign items to item categories ?
How do you load /import items ?
Explain the use of Item revisions ?
How do you search items ?
How do you delete items ?
What are deletion constraints ?
Can we have custom deletion constraints ?
What are different type of serial number uniqueness ?
How do you generate serial numbers ?
Can serial numbers and lot numbers co-exists for an item ?
Where do you enable or disable serial / lot number
capabilities for an item ?
What is material status ?
Explain the use of material status ?
List some of the seeded material transaction types ?
What are transaction sources ?
Can we have custom transaction sources / types ?
What are the benefits of account aliases ?
What is the difference between subinventory transfer and
move order ?
Can move orders support inter-organization transfer ?
What is miscellaneous transactions ?
Explain the use of shortage notifications ?
Where do you enable the shortage notifications ?
How do you do inter-org transfer ?
Is sales order mandatory for inter-org transfer ?
Explain the difference between direct transfer and
intransit transfer ?
Can we purge material transactions ?
Can we import material transactions through API ?
What is vendor managed Inventory (VMI) ?
What consigned Inventory ?
What is the difference between VMI & consigned inventory ?
Explain the life cycle of move orders ?
What are the different ways move orders are created ?
What forecasting methods oracle inventory supports ?
When do you generate forecast automatically and when do you
setup manually ?
Explain the min-max planning functionality ?
Explain the Re-Order Planning (ROP) process ?
What is the difference between Min-Max and ROP ?
What is safety stock ?
How safety stock is calculated ?
Explain replenishment counting ?
What is the purpose of ABC analysis ?
Explain the cycle counting process ?
Explain the physical inventory process ?
When do you recommend cycle counting Vs physical inventory ?
What are the key flex fields (KFF) in Oracle Inventory ?
What are the descriptive flex fields (DFF) in oracle
inventory ?

Answer Posted / gaurav0421

What is Legal Entity?

Ans. It is one of the level in multi org which is used to maintain the company legal information like PAN and TAN information.

In this level no one module is integrated.

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