2.How do you drill through report from Report Studio to Analysis
Answer Posted / adnan
1. You will have to define a Drillthrough definition in your cognos connection to use it any any [RS, QS, AS] of the studio's.
2. To create a Drillthrough Definition you should have a Target report first.
3. Then you will come to Cognos Connection and click on Drill through definition and Select a package
4. Then Click on "New Drillthrough Definition" icon and specify a unique name for that.
5. Then say next and Set the Scope of you definition
[Note: Scope is to restrict the link up to a perticular level like Package, Query Subject or Data Item]
6. Then Link the target report and hre you will see an option to pass the parameter values.
7. Finish it and go to your Analysis Studio and click on a perticular column for which you set the drillthrough definition
8. Then if you see in "Go to" Links you will see your target report
9. As soon as you click on that link, the target report will run and give you the output just like your Report Studio Drillthrough.
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