Give me a sample test case for an online purchasing
system?What testings u do for the same ?

Answer Posted / testerdheeraj

1. Check whether the link (URL) of online purchasing system opens ie. Smoke testing
2. Check if Admin is able to add product/s in proper category which are in stock
3. check if registered user is able to login successfully
4. Check if after clicking on buy a product it gets added to cart.
5. Check if added product can be deleted from the cart
6. Check if added product can be viewed and/or modified ie. Change the quantity
7. Check if after clicking on checkout user is directed to the payment gateway.
8. Check if user is able to cancel the order.
9. Check if after successfully buying the product user gets notified by sms & email.
10. Check if after buying a product, the quantity of stock gets reduced by the number of quantities purchased

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