Please help me.What are the difference between two wire,
3wire, and 4 wire in electric meter?
Answer Posted / govind singh chouhan
The two wire three wire and four wire means in ebergy metering is:
(1) Two wire meter:this meter is connected with one phase (R/Y/B) and another wire is neutral so this meter is called two wire meter. this is a single phase meter connected to normally in small houses where only single phase appliance is connected like TV, cooler etc.
(2) Three wire meter: This type of meter is connected at HT (high tension) line and there is only three wire is available (all three phases) so the HT supply is converted in 63.5V or 110V AC by external PT and connected to meter for electricity measurement. in this type of meter there is no option for neutral wire connection (Y phase to be used as reference point). Its is s grid meter.
(3) four wire meter: This type of meter may be connected at HT line or at LT line (depend on meter; HTCT/LTCT). this meter having four wire for measurement ; first three is for three phases (R,Y and B phase)and fourth wire is for neutral connection (LTCT meter required 240V in all three phases w.r.t. Neutral and HTCT meter required 63.5V on all three phase w.r.t. Neutral).
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