difference between smoke testing & sanity testing?

Answer Posted / sam

actully both are same but still there are some defferences exists between smoke testing and anity testing
smoke testing
1)smoke testing is shallow(high evel testing)and wide testing(we will test all basic and critical features)
2)smoke testing s positive testing
3)here we write smoke scenarios and test cases
4)smoke test cases can be automated
5)testing basic and critical features of an application before doing thorough and regression testing is called as smoke tesing
1)sanity is narrow and deep testing(we take one feature and we test it thoroughly)
2)sanity testing is both positive and negative testing
3)we dnt write sanity test cases and scenarios
4)test cases cant Be automated
5)sanity testing is subset of acceptance testing and software is subset of regression testing as and when we get thw build is deployed into testing environment or production environment we do sanity test ti ensurewhether the build is stable and testing encironment is stable

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