Hi Guys,
I have a situation where I need to access the column values from rowtype variable. However, the column names are dynamic.
below is sample code:
Cursor c1 is select * from emp;
Cursor c2 is select column_name from xyztable;
v_c2 c2%rowtype;
v_str varchar2
v_value varchar2(200);
for rec in c1
open c2;---this cursor has column names like EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME etc.
fetch c2 into v_c2;
exit when c2%notfound;
/* now lets say i want to access value of LAST_NAME from cursor c1, so I am writing below code, however it does not work as expected */
v_str:= 'rec.'|| v_c2.column_name; -- this will give me string like "rec.EMPLOYEE_ID"
end loop;
end loop;
Plz help ASAP.Thanks.
Answer Posted / abhishek jee
So what this PL/SQL block is trying to do is post as many records from "emp" table as there are records in "dept" table, i.e., if there are 27 records in "dept" table and 107 records in "emp" table, then the output would show the first 27 records from the "emp" table, isn't that so?
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