how storage location determine in delivery document
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Answer Posted / kadam
Storage Location determination (T-Code OVL3)is based on three combination i,e plant + shipping point + Storage condition .
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what is the use of delivery and billing documents header and item
Hi Team, this question is related to 3rd party. customer is given order for 20 materials and vendor delivered to customer only 10 material . As per my knowledge vendor invoice will be for 10 material and customer invoice will be for 10 material but my question is how billing quantity will change in sales order against which we have need to create customer invoice for 10 material only. what configuration we need to do for update sales order quantity for order related billing for customer. how vendor will deliver rest 10 material to close this order? could you please share your input with screen shot. Thanks in Advance.
we are using order related billing and billing get generated automaticaly in overnight run.As my q is user has cancel the biliiing document after creating that one.but after cancelation no cancel accounting document get sales order remain closed and no billing document get generate in overnight run.but when user has created the Credit memo order with respect to cancel billing document the respective sales order get open and billing document get generate in overnight can you please tell me hwo the system come to knoe after rasing the credit meno order that billing document has cancled and sales order has open so the billing document will be craete.please help me regarding thsi query.
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Hi SD Experts, what is the difference between the Consignment Issue (CI) & Consignment Pick up (CP) with relation to Sales Document Types, item Categories & Schedule line Categories? Also give definition of both Consignment Issue & Consignment Pick Up along with detailed explanation in relation to its configuration & customization steps along with Business Scenarios? Explain in detail about how do you copy an existing Sales Document type CI & CP, how do you name it( Plz give Name key from your real time data) and what are the customizations you have done for your client? Do provide the document flow for both the Document Types CI & CP? Please provide as many real time data examples as many as possible with reference to your client/ Project? I have interview within 1-2 days? So, I request you to provide solutions to above question as early as possible? Your timely help would be greatly appreciated? Thanks in advance Regards
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