According to Shockley equation, the I – V characteristic of a diode is approximated by I = IS [ exp (nVD / VT) – 1 ]. For silicon, let the reverse bias saturation current IS as 0.000000000001. If n is ideality factor with value of 1.5, VT as thermal voltage drop of 0.026 V at room temperature, what is the value of current I that passes through the silicon diode in the heater of evaporator when the forward voltage drop VD = 0.026 V? Please take note that exp is the exponential function with e(1) = 2.718, e(2) = 7.389.

Answer Posted / kang chuen tat (malaysia - pen

Answer 20 : I = IS [ exp (nVD / VT) – 1 ] = 0.000000000001 [ exp (1.5 x 0.026 / 0.026) – 1 ] = 0.00000000000348 A. The answer is given by Kang Chuen Tat; PO Box 6263, Dandenong, Victoria VIC 3175, Australia; SMS +61405421706;;

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