what is the difference between Collaboration and Java
Collaboration definition interms of JAVACAPS terminology?

Answer Posted / rohit rai sirji

Collaboration Definitions define how data should be processed and routed between Project components, how databases should be queried in response to requests, and how APIs to one or more applications should be invoked. The external data formats that characterize the input and output data structures in a Collaboration Definition are described by Object Type Definitions (OTDs).

A Collaboration will typically receive a message containing the external representation of a particular OTD. It will use the unmarshal method of an instance of that OTD to parse the data and make it accessible though the hierarchical data structure. Then it will perform some operation— for example, copying parts of the data to another OTD instance. Finally, it will invoke the marshal method on the other OTD instance to render the contents of its data structure as a single, serialized data stream for further transport.

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