In google i'm going to search something like "rose", i usually get 10 results in the first page and in 2nd page 10 results and in 3rd 10 results so on upto 10th page 10 results. so if i want to open all the 10 pages 10 results i.e., 100 results and close..what is the DP for this? pls can anyone answer my Question..PLZZZZZ...

Answer Posted / sathya

Set odesc = Description.create

Set Listofbrowser = Desktop.ChildObjects (odesc)
Counter = Listofbrowser.count
Msgbox Counter

For i=0 to Counter-1
val1 = Listofbrowser(i).Page("title:=Rose - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia").WebElement("html id:=content").GetROProperty("innertext")

Msgbox val1
val2 =Split(val1, "rose" )
val2 = Ubound (val2)

Msgbox Val2

Please correct me if am wrong.......Thanks

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