What are Building Blocks of a JMS application?

Answer Posted / neha

Connection :- It is a virtual connection with JMS provider.

Session :- It is a single threaded context for producing and consuming messages.

Message Producer :- It is created from a session and is using to send messages to destinations.

Message Consumers :- It is also created from a session and is using to receive messages from destination.

Message Selector :- To filter the messages received.

Message :-Message objects are sending in JMS. A JMS message has 3 parts

a)header :- It contains a number of predefined fields using for proper delivery and routing.

b)body :- As the name suggests it is the body of messages. JMS API allows five types of message bodies.

1.TextMessage :- Body contains String data

2.ByteMessage :- Body contains byte data

3. MapMessage :- Body contains data in key/value pair

4.StreamMessage :-Body contains a stream of primitive values

5.ObjectMessage : – Body contains an object

6.Message :- Nothing in body. Only header and properties.

c)properties :- Additional properties other than header.

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