Are Orbix 6 libraries thread safe?

Answer Posted / chaitanya

Orbix 5 and Orbix 6 is designed to write multi-threaded (and single threaded) application from the ground up. However, the following describes in more details about Orbix thread safety:

All Orbix library public APIs are thread safe.

Per CORBA specification, add_ref/remove_ref operations in the idl generated code is thread safe.

Regarding the rest of the generated code, Orbix IDL -> C++ code generator generates mappings for user-defined IDL types, as well as client-side proxy invocation code (-base switch) and server-side servant dispatch code (-poa switch). The client-side invocation code and server-side dispatch code are thread-safe. The mappings generated for user-defined IDL types are not thread safe for concurrent modification but are thread-safe for concurrent reads.

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