diff between forms authentication and windows

Answer Posted / vidhya

ASP.NET has ways to Authenticate a user: 
1) Forms Authentication 
2) Windows Authentication 

Windows Authentication provider is the default authentication provider for ASP.NET applications. When a user using this authentication logs in to an application, the credentials are matched with the Windows domain through IIS. 

There are 4 types of Windows Authentication methods: 
1) Anonymous Authentication - IIS allows any user 
2) Basic Authentication - A windows username and password has to be sent across the network (in plain text format, hence not very secure). 
3) Digest Authentication - Same as Basic Authentication, but the credentials are encrypted. Works only on IE 5 or above 
4) Integrated Windows Authentication - Relies on Kerberos technology, with strong credential encryption 

Forms Authentication - This authentication relies on code written by a developer, where credentials are matched against a database. Credentials are entered on web forms, and are matched with the database table that contains the user information. 

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