I have a question ,suppose all users are unable to login
into (sap system including basis administrator)then what
are the ways to check the system and how to unlock it.

Answer Posted / tulasi

Hi Try this..

1. Login to the Operating System.
2. Login to the database using sqlplus / as sysdba;
3. Execute the Query Delete from <schema_name>.usr02 where bname = 'SAP*' and client = '000';
This will reset the password of sap* to pass
Once the password for SAP* is reset, the other users can be unlocked.
If the procedure doesn't work, then,
The parameter login/no_automatic_user_sapstar would be set to 1.
You will have to include this line login/no_automatic_user_sapstar=0 in your default and the instance profile.
Restart your system and then retry.

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