i wani to SAP MM module and i have an experience of near abopu
4 years in SAP MM as a end user.so want to begain my career in
sap functional,so pls suggest me a good institute which cost
me around 30 k. i cant afford huge amount like siemans offer.
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You can Ask any Technical Question Related to SAP MM Module AT Functional consultant level,Testing or end user level
If price in purchase info records is maintained as zero or not maintained for a certain period and we make a po for the same period but price is populated in po. Where does the price come from?
What settings required to create purchase order automatically from a pr?
What are the initial configuration steps for physical inventory?
What are the various stock valuation methods?
What is the 'material status'?
what kind of L2 & L3 tickets are in SAP MM. Explain with example. Any enhancement done by you in SAP MM?? please help me in providing some real time examples
What is business purpose of product hierarchy?
What tasks are covered under inventory management?
What transaction code is used to convert planned orders (po) into requisitions in material requirement planning (mrp)?
What are ‘transaction keys’ while setting obyc?
How consignment stocks are created?
What is the organizational structure in the mm module?
What’s the real value of this upgrade from a technology perspective?
How is stock transfer from one storage location to another done?