A manufacturer of chocolates makes 6 different flavors of
chocolates. The chocolates are sold in boxes of 10. How many
“different” boxes of chocolates can be made? [pu]
(NOTE: A box is considered “different” from another only if,
regardless of the order, the box contains a different number
of chocolates of at least one type)

Answer Posted / amit kumar

If n similar articles are to be distributed to r persons, x1+x2+x3......xr=n each person is eligible to take any number of articles then the total ways are n+r−1Cr−1
In this case x1+x2+x3......x6=10
in such a case the formula for non negative integral solutions is n+r−1Cr−1
Here n =6 and r=10. So total ways are 10+6−1C6−1 = 3003

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