Hi, I'm looking for CRM and SD resumes with 6+ years of
experience with at least one full life cycle. Please email me
at instyle.trends@gmail.com, I'm new to this forum so any help
will be appreciated.
Answer Posted / rajasekharareddy ambati
please post sap crm functional 3+ resume to
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What are the key factors to consider in replicating the existing r/3 sales orders to crm? What do we lose if we do not replicate these sales order's over?
5)what is catalog variant?
List the tools are available to import/export data from a crm system?
Explain the integration between lead and sale ?
Explain the badi framework for the business transaction?
Where do we do Budgeting for Campaigns? And what is the customization path for it?
hi everyone, can someone pls tell me about tickets and pls send me few tickets u have faced in base customization. my id - mnjkk83@gmail.com thanks.
What is the use of marketing calendar?
What is the difference between crm and erp?
What is actions in sap crm?
Explain how you can display the error message in web ui when the user has not entered a specific field?
Dear Team, I am raju, want to know what exactly what need to be explained to the interviewer about the business process,whether its our company business process or the client business process?
How to delete business partner?
At the time of implemention, what type of problem you generally face?
Hey People, Can Anybody kindly send some SAP CRM Technical interview questions to my email id : dishaa.ui@gmail.com. Thanks in advance, Vidya.