what is the difference between E/P positioner and I/P
positioner in control valve , in which application the
respective positioner are used in.

Answer Posted / carl_ellis

An E/P converter is a voltage to pressure transducer; it
converts 0-10Vdc to 3-15 psi

An I/P converter is a current to pressure transducer; it
converts 4-20ma to 3-15 psi

Either is used to convert an electrical control signal to a
pressure control signal, typically for a valve positioner or
sometimes a valve actuator.

Current signals are the vast majority of signals in the
process world.

Voltage signals tend to be used in machinery or in a
laboratory, because of the voltage loss over long distances
and tendency to pick up noise more than current signals.

The appropriate I/P or E/P transducer is determined by which
electrical signal is in use.

Carl Ellis
Measure First

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