Why Fload doesn’t support multiset table?

Answer Posted / amit sethiya

I believe Fastload silently discards duplicate rows. They don't go to the error table.

Many of the differences between FastLoad and MultiLoad are due to the fact that MultiLoad loads by way of an intermediate work table, whereas Fastload loads directly into the target table, which is sorted later. The sorting process automatically removes duplicate rows. The records that MultiLoad loads the work table during the acquisition phase are not exact images of the target rows. They contain sequence numbers that are generated by the client module. If the acquisition phase is restarted, the client may resend rows that were previously sent after the last checkpoint, as is the case with Fastload. However, only duplicate records with matching sequence numbers are discarded when the work table is sorted at the end of the acquisition phase. Duplicate records with non-matching sequence numbers are retained.

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