Can anyone please explain me the process of automating an
application using QTP as i am new to this?

Answer Posted / guest

-Analyzing Application: Understand requirement and analyzing
application before -preparing the test cases
-Preparing Testing infrastructure: preparing resources like
collecting repository and function library etc
-Writing scripts: writing scripts for regression test cases
-Running and debugging:
-Enhanced to frame work:
-Defect reporting:

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you are recording on "WINDOW 1", say it has a link if you click on that, that leads you to "WINDOW 2". If you do any manipulations on "WINDOW 2" that are automatically updated in to "WINDOW 1". But "WINDOW 1" is currently invisible. But the updations in "WINDOW 1" must also be recorded as a script in QTP. The best Example is if you update your resume in JOB STREET portal it actually happens in other window, but the previous window is automatically updated. Now does QTP help you in this types of situations? Any body can answer this question. please..... Siva


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Hi, I got error message as "object does not support this property or method: "Test.Actions" when i execute the following line of script on QTP 9.0 Dim qtApp, qtRep Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") Set qtRep = qtApp.Test.Actions("Action1").ObjectRepositories Can anyone tell me where i am wrong.


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