control break statements in ABAP?

Answer Posted / rv karthikeyan

Hi this is karthikeyan

control break statement: It is used to control the data flow inside the loop,for example if we need to add some functionality at run time for example subtotal for every new value triggered or sub heading,we use control break statement,now we see the types of control break statement.

at first: when the loop start first this at first will trigger,that when the loop starts the control goes to the at first statement and executed all the function inside it.

at new: when the first occurrence of the new value found this at new will trigger,used for the sub heading or page break purpose.

at end: when the last occurrence of the new value found this at end will trigger,used mainly for sub total purpose.

at last: when the last record in the loop over this at last will trigger used for grand total purpose.

Hope u got idea...

RV Karthikeyan.

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