Create 12 columns for months by writing single case statement?
Answer Posted / naresh
To create 12 columns for months by single case statement :-
Step-1: Create one derived column and name it as 'months'.
Step-2:In Derived Expression use the below case statement and click on ok -
when extract(month,DATE_Column)=1 then 'JAN'
when extract(month,DATE_Column)=2 then 'FEB'
when extract(month,DATE_Column)=3 then 'MAR'
when extract(month,DATE_Column)=4 then 'APR'
when extract(month,DATE_Column)=5 then 'MAY'
when extract(month,DATE_Column)=6 then 'JUN'
when extract(month,DATE_Column)=7 then 'JUL'
when extract(month,DATE_Column)=8 then 'AUG'
when extract(month,DATE_Column)=9 then 'SEP'
when extract(month,DATE_Column)=10 then 'OCT'
when extract(month,DATE_Column)=11 then 'NOV'
when extract(month,DATE_Column)=12 then 'DEC'
Step-3: Click on derived Column 'Months' and go to 'Structure' tab in File Menu and then click and 'Pivot list to Cross tab '
Step-4: Run and check the report.
Thats it ..
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