What is the difference b/w deliverable and release notes?

Answer Posted / akrishnachaitanya

Test deliverable :
Test deliverable is any document/script/data related to testing which is handed over to client/stakeholder during or at the end of the testing phase.

For example when testing starts Test Lead has to prepare Test Strategy and Test Plan, so Test Strategy and Test Plan are the deliverable which need to be shared with client. Besides these the test scripts (both manual and automation) which are created during the planned testing phase are also test deliverable. At last when the testing is complete then test execution summary report is prepared and shared with client.

So any testing document/scripts/code delivered to the clients and stakeholders is know as test deliverable.
Release notes:
Release notes is a document, which is released as part of the final build that contains new enhancements that went in as part of that release and also the known issues of that build.

Release Notes are usually written by technical writers which are communication documents shared with clients. Release notes also feed the process of end-user documentation, user guide and training materials.

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