Is Capsicum annuum a dicot or monocot why?

Answer Posted / dr. john s. greenwood

To those studying plants, think! What are the terms telling you? Where do you specifically see "cotyledons"? What is mono versus di? The embryo of a monocotyledonous plant, seen in the seed, will have one cotyledon. The embryo of a dicotyledonous plant, seen in the seed, will have two cotyledons. This is really the only definition that is reliable.

There are many monocots that show quasi, if not true, net venation in their leaves, many of the tropicals particularly. There are many dicots that have fibrous roots. The information concerning the number of pores on the pollen grain requires that all species if both be investigated ... they have not been. .Beyond what is seen in the seed, any other characteristics are only "typical" and are not specific.

So, the question really is, do the embryos of Capsicum sp. have one or two cotyledons? Although the other answers were correct, they were correct for the wrong reasons. The embryos of Capsicum sp. have two cotyledons, so the members of this genera are dicots.

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