What and Who is the best Institute or Trainer for Oracle
Apps Technical ?
Answer Posted / sridevikoduru
I am Sridevi Koduru, Senior Oracle Apps Trainer With 8 Yrs Exp on
Oracle Apps and 13 Yrs IT Exp Providing Online Training on Oracle
Apps Technical, Oracle Apps Financial Functional, Oracle Apps
SCM, Oracle Apps HRMS, Oracle Financial for Indian Localization,
SQL, PL/SQL and D2K. I have Provided Training for 500+
Professionals Most of them are Working in Real Time now.
Contact for (One to One Personal Online Training) on Oracle Apps
Technical, Oracle Apps Financial Functional, Oracle Financial for
Indian Localization, Oracle Apps SCM, Oracle Apps HRMS, SQL,
PL/SQL and D2K at training@oracleappstechnical.com or
sridevikoduru@oracleappstechnical.com | +91-9581017828 |
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