How can you send forms from one client to other ?

Answer Posted / shreemudra

Use RSTXSCRP to import/export SAPscripts.
Or use Tcode scc1
SCC1 (Copy as per Transport Request). Here are a few tips:
1) Remember, this is a "pull" transaction, so you'll need to
be logged into the target client when executing SCC1.
2) Make sure the source form is in "Active" status.
3) You may wish to specify the transport task linked to the
form (and not the overall transport request) in SCC1; that
way, you can ignore the task checkbox option.
4) If you get a cryptic error message – or a "form not
found" message – when trying to bring up the form in the
target client, check your settings and try using SCC1 again.
In my experience, the error should vanish the next time around.
5) If all else fails, and there seems to be a corrupted
version of the form hopelessly stuck in the target client,
obtain the needed permissions to have the form deleted in –
and ONLY in – the target client; then start the SCC1 process
6) The above applies to SAPscript forms only; Smart Forms
are client-independent so SCC1 is not required.

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