(questions asked in interview)hi every one can any one
please answer to this questions.these questions were asked
in an interview.i have another interview next week . 1.when
the time schedule is tight how will you approch the
testing,and the relese is nearing and we need to finish
testing how can we follow in that case.do we need to exicute
all the test cases or can priortise and leave some to next
relase. 2. when a new feature is added to the existing
application we need to add new test cases but after that do
we need to change all the existing test cases and while
running do we need to exicute entire application test cases
or only the new feature test cases and related new feature
test cases. 3.do you have any situation where you have to
write and exicute the test cases same time, how will you
follow.does it happens in real time. 4.example of bug which
is not reproducible.like tester say that there is bug and
developer say no can some example of such bugs. 5.during
regression testing some times do we need to add new some
additional test cases to test that bug.

Answer Posted / chinmay

hi Friend
For above 5 points for the 1st what i say is : when the time
is near to release then we need to perform testing only on
the test case which are of very high important,such as
,checking all the function are working properly or not,
field are accepting correct data which is required...and
many more...what u do not test at this point of time is the
DESIGN and the USER INTERFACE (mean to say is the appearance
of the application) but then it does not mean that is should
be not readable....

so hope u will have much points to put forward to the person
how is taking yur interview.

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