void main()
//char ch;
unsigned char ch;
for(ch =0;ch<= 127; ch++)
printf(" %c= %d \t ", ch, ch);
Answer Posted / honey
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printf(), scanf() these are a) library functions b) userdefined functions c) system functions d) they are not functions
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any limit on the number of functions that might be present in a C program a) max 35 functions b) max 50 functions c) no limit d) none of the above
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design and implement a data structure and performs the following operation with the help of file (included 1000 student marks in 5 sub. and %also) 1.how many students are fail in all 5 subjects (if >35) 2. delete all student data those are fail in all 5 subjects. 3. update the grace marks (5 no. if exam paper is 100 marks) 4. arrange the student data in ascending order basis of marks. 5.insert double of deleted students with marks in the list.
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