What are difference between Juniper and checkpoint firewall?
and Can you explain me about the difference between checkpoint
and Cisco pix firewall ?

Answer Posted / vineeth mukundan

Below are the difference between Checkpoint and Juniper Firewall from my view and understand.

Difference between Checkpoint and Juniper Firewalls:

Juniper follows two-tier architecture whereas Checkpoint follows three-tier architecture.
Juniper uses the concept of Deep inspection process where as the checkpoint uses the stateful inspection process.
Juniper uses the concept of Zones whereas Checkpoint do not use.

Netscreen firewalls can be administered locally or from a central management station, Checkpoint firewalls really can't be administered locally without connectivity to a SmartCentre.

Netscreens are appliances, you can't put any vendor's network interfaces in it, and you don't have the driver issues to deal with when Dell/HP/Intel/Broadcom/etc. change chipsets.

Netscreens firewalls require the policies to be written as "from trusted-zone to untrusted-zone" so the definition of "any" is different to Checkpoint.

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