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Explain the thress bms options?
what is the difference between a package and a plan. How does one bind 2 versions of a cics transaction with the same module name in two different cics regions that share the same db2 subsystem?
What is the use of mdt (modified data tag)?
what are the reserved words for cics?
What is the difference between SEND MAP DATAONLY and SEND MAP MAPONLY ?
Explain the mdt in cics?
Kindly specify the pic clause for the data type of length option field type of data fields?
Give the definition of COMMAREA ?
how do you fire a batch job from a cics txn ?
Explain the difference between link xctl?
What is the main function of the sign-on table?
Explain how DSECT parameter is used in BMS ?
what is effect on receive map when
What is the tcp in the cisc?
In the EIB block of CICS, highlight the names of few of the important fields?