Answer Posted / nandishpatil
You can call a action in QTP by the following:
1. Insert > Call to Existing Action
2. Select the "Test From" (If "Action" is being called from
another Test)
3. Select the "Action" you want to call
4. Then select the Location, where the "Action" needs to be
called in the current script
5. Click "OK"
Or you direct write the script as below in the line where
you want to call the action:
"RunAction <ActionName>, (Iteration)"
Here, "<ActionName>" is the Action you want to call and
the "(Iteration)" is optional where you can define number
of iterations you want to execute.
1. RunAction Action2, OneIteration (For single Iteration)
2. RunAction Action3, AllIterations (For All Iterations)
3. RunAction Action4, 1-3 (For iterations from 1 to 3)
Note: To Call an "Action" multiple times or to Call
an "Action" from Other Tests, make sure the "Action" is
marked as a "Reusable Action".
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