Hi, what are the
likely questions
to receive a
student visa.

Answer Posted / ken

why are u transferring?

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Hello, i am Suraj. I got rejected on my ineterview on december 8th and have again taken the date for 17th.During my interview a guy quarreled with the interview taking person and then the same girl took my interview. My all documents are upto date bank balance is enough,self property is good,watevr she asked i told her fluently but also she rejected telling me that ma income source is not enough. I dont understand why i got rejected. The friends who had taken the interveiw along with me got selected though their family background is more poor than mine. i am afraid i will get rejected again. Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you


What is difference between analog signal and digital signal ?


hai sir i am 4m hyderabad, i was caught with fake toefl in us embassy in chennai and gave a writtern letter dat that toefl was fake? can i apply again for the visa ? will it effect my future applications? pls help mee...


My interview is few days away and am applying for a us student visa. I have completed my high school in 2005 and after that did a one year course of computer till 2006 and after that was helping my parents with there business till 2007 June. I then completed my swift course in NIIT which was a four months course and in midway appeared for the TOEFL exams. If the person asks what was I doing during the free time, please help me out it is the matter of my career. Thanks!


My student visa was rejected on 24th june.It was due to immigration file.VO thinks that i will not come back to india.I am going for bachelor's degree at pennstate under collaboration program.So if pennstate write a letter to US consulate regarding me that they are taking responsibility of me that i will return to india after my graduation.So what are my chances for visa?


I got a conditional admit for ohio university,as i got less score in IELTS after getting the admit,i have retaken the test,now my new score is 7 bands.will the conditions in my admit affect my visa??


I had 5 backlogs and i said i had 3 backlogs.lied to visa officer about the backlogs.luck was not on my side he asked my marks sheet and he came to know that there are 5 backlogs and he asked me...i explained him that according to our university we can takeoff 2 subjects which is true and vo is slightly convinced but not sure he continued interview ...should there be any problem if i apply second time.


These subjects are also taught in other universities also but why this university?


Hello This is rahul.I got accepted in saint clod state university for Masters in engineering management program and i got funding too.My total i20 amount would be 6000 dollars yearly as i got scholarships. I actually had applied for 5 other universities but for electrical engineering program.Will they create a big problem for my visa?? I have a brother already there in USA who is about to complete his studies.Will showing my br0ther would result in rejection of my visa?Seeking help from you guys and a solution to takle this problem


hi im afreen rafee i got the usa f1 visa on july 19 2010..nw i want to take my baby along with me ..i got my baby i20 as well as my exentension i20 ..i just want to knw if i wont convice vo wil they reject my visa???plz reply soon early reply will b appreciated . visa once given can it b rejected?


hi i have got rejected once but still i am thinkin of applyin again for the interview is that advisable to sit for it again


I hvae completed B.tech in mechanical. i have appleid for the usa study visa for mba. if VO ask me why you have changed ur major then what should I answer????


Hi Everybody, I'm Vineel From Hyderabad.I've done my B.E. in ECE with 72.3% and 8 backlogs(cleared in final yr) GRE=990 and toefl=86 .I've been rejected US F-1 visa to the SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY, EDWARDSVILLE for MS in EE 3 times in oct,nov,dec 2009 for jan(spring) 2010 admissions in hyderabad. So i'm in dilema to continue and try this time for the Aug(fall) 2010 admissions or not. Pls give ur valuable suggestions or share ur experiences about how should i proceed. thnx in advance :)


What are your plans after completion of study (i.e., where will you live/ study/work?)


hi.i completed my bachelor degree in mechanical engineering.with 53%.i got a i 20 in two universities .i planing to face visa interview with only TOEFL score.. i got score 81.that is toefl ibt test.to give answers how can i face?