table :-
city name country code
abc 11
bcd 22
cde 232
def 33
write a procedure , so that when we give a phone no. eg -
1123456789 -
o/p sud be city name = abc
if phone no. - 2322345897 , o/p sud be =cde
note - bcd and cde city name sud be diff. as dey diff only
with th last no.
Pls ans. this questnion.
Answer Posted / pravellika
create or replace procedure check1 (num number)
cursor c1(id number) is select b.a,,b.code from (
select instr(id,code,1,1) as a,city,code from t1 )b
where b.a=1;
v_id number;
v_code NUMBER;
v_city VARCHAR2(100);
open c1(num);
fetch c1 into v_id,v_city,v_code;
exit when c1%notfound;
dbms_output.put_line(v_city||' '||v_code);
end loop;
close c1;
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