Explain the concept of how QTP identifies object.

Answer Posted / pranavi

After learning the objetc's information or properties all
the madatory properties will be saved in the object
repository, if assistive properties and ordinal identifiers
are also learnt even they will be stored in the object
repository and Base filter Properties, Optional Filter
Properties will be stored in a secrete place in object
repository which we can't see physically. Even though the
base filter and optional filter properties are stored the
qtp will not think of them first. It will think of them
only when qtp fails to identify the object using the
mandatory properties, assistive properties.

In general the Object Repository may contain the following
after the properties are learnt
1. All the Mandatory Properties (Only mandatory
2. All the mandatory and one or more Assistive
3. All the mandatory, all the Assistive
4. All the mandatory, all the assistive and
ordinal idetifier
The fourth case exists if ordinal identifier is specified.

There are 2 type of identification. They are
1. Using Normal Identification
2. Using Smart Identification

1. Using Normal Identification (When there are no base
filter properties and Optional Filter Properties):

All the mandatory properties and what ever the assistive
properties qtp thought they are sufficient and which are
learnt will be stored under description properties (this
can be viewed in object identification under tools menu,
click on the object name).


Qtp will try to identify the object using normal
identification i.e. by using all the mandatory properties
and what ever the assistive properties stored when
learnt.If these details are enough the qtp will find the
object and perform the action if not sufficient it will
display an error message that "QTP cannot identify the
object object_name" when there is no ordinal identifier. If
not sufficient and if there is ordinal identifier the qtp
will find the object using ordinal identifier by forgetting
all the previous information. Even then if it is not able
to find the object it will display the error message.

2. When smart identification is enabled:
First the qtp will use description properties if they are
sufficient qtp will find the object, if it fails to
identify the object then the qtp will go the secrete place
where the base filter and optional filter properties are
stored and forgets about all the description properties and
starts the identification process freshly only by using the
base filter and optional filter properties. QTP first uses
all the base filter properties and tries to identify the
object in the application. If succeeded performs the action
but if it fails the qtp will filter the objects which are
similar and will take all the base filter properties and
1st optional filter property and tries to filter the object
among the objects which are filtered by using base filter
properties previously and will identify the unique object.
If again fails the qtp will take base filter properties,
1st and 2nd optional filter properties, by using these
details the qtp will try to find the object among the
previously filtered objects. if again fails the process
continues untill the final optional filter property. If it
still fails to identify the object then qtp will go to
ordinal identifier if it exists and tries to identify the
object, if ordinal identifier doesnot exist then qtp will
display an error message that it cannot identify the object.

If the object is identified by smart identification in test
result the description of the process how the qtp
identified the object by smart identification will be
mentioned clearly in steps.
It can be viewed as follows.
1.In test result
2.Under test iteration
Action Summary
Object2_name_smart identification

Click on the object where smart identification is specified
against the onject name. After clicking on it the
description will be displayed in a window.

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