1 How many tickets usually get per day/month in support ?
2 what is the major ticket in your experience ?
3 what is the tool you are using in your company?
4 in situation we will use Derive roles in support project?
5 One User asked me the TCODE access in support project,he
got approvals from all,so shal i create new role or can i
add that TCODE in his roles?
6 what is ROLE OWNER?
7 What are the daily activities in your Project ?
Answer Posted / chandu
1.we get tickets per day 4+ in support
2.i got one high level ticket in BI security
3.we are using IBM maxi-mo ticketing tool
4.as per my knowledge we can use any situation
5.yes, we create new role. other wise if we add the t-code
existing roles if that roles already assigned to other users
they are also able to access that t-code so we create new role
6.you can set up the criteria that assigns a particular user as a role owner for a particular task or object
7.mainly my daily activities checking missing authorization
and troubleshooting
if am wrong please correct me
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