hi all. I want to know the sd-fi and sd-mm integration in detail as per real time. Pls tell me with examples anybody. Help me. Thanks in advance.

Answer Posted / prasad p

Integration B/W SD- FICO
-Sales Org assigned to company code.
-In customer master data, assigning of reconciliation
account group.
-In Customer master data, assigning of domestic trade account.
-In Pricing , the linking of condition types.
-In Billing O/P determination, the output is maintained by SD.
-In Revenue Account determination, the sales org is assigned
to different fields of FICO.

Integration B/W SD - MM
- Assigning Business area/valuation area to plant
-Assigning sales org, dist chnl to the plant.
-In customer master we enter the Plant.
-In Material Master, the sales org 1 and sales org 2 tab we
enter the sales and distribution details.

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