Answer Posted / vishal adlok

SBI is the largest bank in country, people have faith in the bank . It's a largest bank in public sector and has shown tremendous growth in recent years by building up new ATM, merging other associate banks and giving securities to the employee. It is customer as well as employee oriented organization.

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Hi dis is sriguru n i had cleared obc clerical 2010 .wt should i wan 2 prepare for interview? wt r the definations of repo,reverse repo, crr,slr,monetary policy n other banking terms


PLZ give me ans for this questions, How will you handle the pressure of customer? What will you do if any customer misbehave with you? What is the current financial situation of nationalized banks?


why banking field is better than other field in government sector................reply fast


hii i selected for karnataka bank clerks.my interview is 1st june 2011. im frm andhra pradesh.can i get job placement to andhra after finishing the interview.any 1 selected frm andhra plz msg me on 7207655202


hii.. m selected in State bank of Patiala..want to know the duration of training n whr does it takes place??n hw r v given the station for joining... wht is appx salary..so many qs goin around in my head..Help!!


i finished my interview on 8th may....... they asked me these questions...... 1)tell me abt urself(I andwered for 2 mins) 2)difference between 2g and 3g(3g is faster than 2g)i forgot to answer that 3g has more bandwidth and it is circuit switched network 3)what is the uniqueness of 500 rupees note (that circle at corner for blind people , wen in light the colour of 500 changes) 4)what is the technology of atm(i dont know) 5)what are the different types of deposits(Recurring and fixed deposits) 6)what is recent hockey tournament going on(this also i dont know) 7)who is leading in recent world chess championship(anand wen i saw but later i dont know who was leading) 8)who is topper in recent IAS exams?(i didnt answer) 9)what u consider as ur life time achievement? the panel was very soft......so no tension...... ALL THE BEST for the rest........


hey guys i attended my interview on 29th April in a delhi zone.They were asking so simple question that i was surprised. I preapred day and night for the interview collecting all the question from this link and other site as well as from GS book but they simply asked 1) tell us about ur family 2) about u 3) Why u want to join banking and not IT . 4) Advantages and disadvantages of computer. 5) Where is hawamahal. 6) about pink city 7) who discovered electron. 8) who invented telephone. that's all I think it was just waste of time preparing banking related questions.


Anybody who wud hv applied for Vijaya Bank Probationary clerical exam, did receive the Hall ticket?? The written exam is on 7th Feb right????


Hi i'm gauri, can any one help me to prepare upcoming bank of maharashtra clerical exam interview. how to prepare for that.


anyone attend sbi interview in bangalore?venue:basavangudi


I have to get character certificate for sbi interview. In that, there is a statement - I have known this person for ____ years and _____ months. What is the minimum year it should be? Is 1 year also acceptable??


hi I M RAJESH KUMAR I m selected for interview of OBC clerical 2010. plz tell me what type of question are asked in interview. my interview will be held in lucknow. plz mailo me at roymukkesh@gmail.com


guys on which basis are they alloting interview dates.... MERIT or Reg num or Roll num........


Hi! i am selected 4 the interview after passing the written exam.I am pursuing a BCA degree course and have only one semester left.What should I do?Should i join the job?And please tell what will be the salary for intermediates?