hi i m runing a login script using multiple data by importing
from excel sheet, now i want to get a status pass or fail each
time the script run for multiple data??
so anyone can help me out?

Answer Posted / neo

Use Reporter.ReportEvent

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How many test cases have you automated per day?


Why do you prefer selenium automation tool?


What are the important modules of an automation testing framework?


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What do you think holds the testers back to do automation? Is there a way to overcome it?


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How the object properties will be recognised by the tool If the functions/ statements are written manually?


What are the phases in automation testing life cycle?


i need test cases for defect maganement tools


hi, I want to study TIA portla V11. where can I get online courses?


Hi All! Am new to Selenium and would really appreciate your help writing test cases for the following scenario: 1. Manually create 2 logins User A and User B on say, orkut.com or facebook.com. 2. Have User A invite User B as a friend. 3. Have User B accept the friend request. 4. Have User A post a comment on his own profile. 5. Have User B post a reply to that comment. 6. Each User logs out of his respective account. 7. Do not use Selenium IDE. 8. Use Selenium RC and Java.


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