Answer Posted / b.gangi reddy
5.weightage group.
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Hi, i'm a professional from hotel industry and looking forward for a better career in the field of SAP>> i visited some of the local institues where i was suggested that i too can try for SAP>>SD as my experience is related to FOOD and Beverage dept that sell food and drink and organises party to the customers in the hotel and also have experience in Banquet and conference sales...therefore related to sales...basic reason of changing my field is to earn better salary....can somebody put some suggestions to me on this.Thanx.
Have you know the shipment and shipment cost
In Third Party sale process, I am getting an error- in MIRO(Error No. M8889-A/c 893010 has been set as not relevant for Tax, but when I want to change the Account Assignment in ME21 it is taking only G/L A/C 893010 and refusing all other G/L A/C's by giving 2 errors. They are ME045-G/L A/c 39010 cannot be used(please correct)and ME038-No direct posting can be made to G/L A/C 34000. Experts please share your knowledge to solve this problem. Warm Regards.
Would you have different customer numbers if your customer was serviced by more than one company code?
I was faced these interview questions, please provide answer with your real life experience SAP gurus. 1. As a SAP SD consultant how did you integrate/interact with MM and FI/CO? 2. Tell me about your OTC process expreience? 3. How have you used MASS tool in your last project, and to upgrade what data? 4. Tell me about your EDI/IDOC experience? PLease answer any/all questions as per your wish. Thank you very much in advance, god bless.
What are the views in a material master?
i have one sold to party that sold to party have 1000 ship to party but if create order system should take always 80 number ship to party how can you do this?
Can anyone tell me the link for interview question for SD module. . . As i m fresher so i really need to know what sort of question i will to have face during interviews . . . .
Explain credit management.
What is cumulative condition record?
What does the account group of the customer control?
Hi friends. What is GTS(Global trade service)? What is its future. What is the market for GTS in current situation? Pls tell me as soon as posible. Thanks in advance
can some body give me some idea on integrations of sd and sap crm service
Explain the concept of ‘sales organization’.
What are the three levels that copy controls are set up? And what are the transaction codes through which it could be done?