Answer Posted / gallabhaskar84
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what is differnce btwen lll and lllg faults
Hi guys! Plz help me to answer the following questions. 1. What are the types of transmission line energy losses? 2. Why are the VLF are used some types of services? 3. What frequencies are used for reliable beyond the horizon terrestrial communication without repeaters? 4. To permit selection of 1 out 16 equi-probable, what is the number of bitis required? 5. What is the most common modulation used for telegraphy? 6. What is the multiplexing is used to increase the capacity of the optic fiber? Thanks
How to calculate Air conditioning capacity for a telecom BTS shelter?
In EDO ACBs what is a purpose of closing coil and motor, what is the operation of these devices are they inetconnected. means if we give supply to motor and by BCS we charge Closing coil,what exact is operation is and how it charge a spring of ACB. Sir if anybody has an wiring diagram please send me the link to operate and EDO breaker.
What is time invariant system?
700KW 6.6KV slip ring induction motor to use VFD to control the speed
bus bar design conditions and sizing pls tell me quickly
In case of salient pole alternator when number of poles are 4 or more than 4 it helps the flux wave to be sinusoid as air gap length is increased from center to tip , but if the number of poles are 2 how does the flux wave is sinusoidal?
is it true there's a big difference in using Cummins or Denyo...especially power output or leakage
what is the stear deltaprinceple?
What is ignition module of a CAT Gas Genset G-3508 Engine, Alternator SR4B Series. HOw its checked for correct functioning.Is it repiarable or replacable?
Who are the manufacturer for Nitrogen based Fire Protectio/explosion prevention for Oil Filled Transformers? India and international both?
how can calculation ate Amps for cabel. Ex-for 1sqmm wire hou many amps we can draw
how to failure indution motor insulation & how to improve heat in motor insulation
Which are resistive loads & which one are inductive loads : Refrigerator, Split air conditioner, ceiling fans, well pump, fluoresecent bulbs, T.V, CRT Monitors, Adsl Routers, C.P.U, Printers, Deep Freezers, Speakers, DVD Players, Microwave oven etc. ? Output Power for these Appliances Would be same like this : P = V * A * P.F Or would be changed ? thanks