Lumbini, the birth place of Gautam Buddha, is in:

(a) Bihar

(b) Sikkim

(c) Nepal

(d) Uttar Pradesh

Answer Posted / mr monterio

it is difficult to determine as we do not have maps that
existed so many years ago so I would say bihar on instincy
and not what a wondering german scientist thought on seeing
a pillar as this is proof of obervations in the late 18th
century, we need to look at how limbini evolved from
perhaps being in indian land to later being a city in
nepal. So I would say the first is true although most will
disagree looking at 29 year old man who was a hindu for so
long as hinduism came from india his mind was a hindu
before it came a buddhist so his family ancestorally came
from india if you look at mind over matter. India is where
that first real systems of religious social order came
from, so look at birth, ancestoral hood of the buddha's
parents and land maps from that time as far back as you can
go, the fact that the statue has brahmic language on it
prooves that it must have been in india at the time, as
this language was not used in the modern asian age. I would
say all religions developed from hinduism. The buddha was a
hindu the 12 sikh guru's were once hindu's, if you look at
islam and christianity as being modern colonial religions
of what came before them then their is a chance that
paganism was simplified where god was one, rather than a
polythestic approach. I personally do not believe in any
religion of philosophy. I am geological and think their is
an energy. To good food and health. The rest tries to
control you via mysticism.

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