Answer Posted / mahesh
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what is ods (operational data store)?
How will you get more details on data source and delta modes?
What are the precautions to generate a report on DSO in sap Bi?
What are tickets.
Explain the usage of geo-coordinates ?
Describe your experience with bw extractors
Can you create a data storage area in the sap bw?
How do you convert web objects from 2.x to 3.x?
What are extractors? Name a few which are used commonly in the sap bw?
What is ?filling? of aggregate?
remodeling is applied only on info cube? why not dso/ods?
Is it possible to convert a standard infocube to real time infocube?
What is the purpose of geographical information in the sap bw?
Which report can you use to monitor change run?
Hi, I need to know anything and everything abt datamarts and thier behaviours. Please suggest any links/whitepapers/articles which explain datamarts from scratch. This is required for my admin job at hand. Appreciate your help :)