Difference between Equalance class partion and boundary
value analysis?

Answer Posted / karthick407

Boundary value analysis and equivalent partitioning are
black box testing techniques.
Both are applied to validate the minimum and maximum limit.

BVA ex: if Username field accepts minimum 4 character and
maximum 12 characters, then we need to check with six
different data.

lets consider 'm' is minimum limit and 'n' is maximum limit,
then check with m-1, m, m+1 , n-1 , n , n+1.

note: m=4(minimum 4 character)
n=12(maximum 12 characters)

m-1= (4-1)=3 ( invalid data )
m=4 (valid data )
m+1= (4+1)=5 ( valid data )
n-1=(12-1)=11 (valid data)
n=12 (valid data)
n+1= 12+1=13 ( invalid data)

there fore , here we have 2 invalid data(-ve test case) and
4 valid data( +ve test case).

equivalent partitioning: this technique is used to reduce
the no. of test cases in to finite set. in this method input
data will be divided into 3 equivalent sets.

ex: if a input box accepts 1 to 1000 numbers then, it is not
necessary to write test cases for 1000 valid inputs and
other test case for invalid data.

instead validate the field with 3 different sets.

1. take one input data between 1 to 1000 as +ve test case.
if we testing for the other values between 1 to 1000 the
result is going to be same. so one test case is sufficient
for valid input data.

2. take one value less than 1 as invalid input (-ve test case)

3. take one input data above 1000 as invalid input ( -ve
test case).

There fore using this method we can reduce the no.of
testcases into finite set.

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